Saturday, June 1, 2013

     Another attempt at blogging. All of the New Year's resolutions from my last blog are still alive and kicking. I've added learning to knit. Just finished frogging my last project and have started another dish cloth because my daughter asked for one. Easier to practice stitches that way
     I've been hooked on Netflix lately. Have a list of movies and TV shows I want to watch; old and new. Right now I'm watching Fringe, Bones, Angel, and Hemlock Grove.  My iPad has taken over my life and I love it! The conflict with my free, lazy time is "Do I watch my iPad shows or play my iPad games? OR do Ido crafts and listen to a podcast?"  Love the conflict!

Favorite podcasts right now?
 Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me (NPR)
Good Job Brain
Film Sack
Podcast History of the World
Film Vault

     Well, off to get white to eat & move laundry from washer to dryer.  Let's see if I blog more!