Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Resolutions and Update.

Well, it's almost 2010 and time for New Year's Resolutions. I usually don't make them because I never keep them. But I thought I'd give it a try for the 1st decade of the 21st Century. Here goes:

1. Blog more often, even it it's just one sentence. (We'll see about this one!)

2. Finish all of my crocheting projects. And, hopefully, in a more timely manner. (Sorry Chrissie! I'm trying to finish before Collin goes to college!)

3. Clean out my office and then progress to the rest of the house. (Again, we'll see!)

4. Be prepared and shop ahead of time for holidays and special occasions. (This is a biggee for me!)

5. Write.

6. Cut down on smoking. (Another "we'll see".)

7. Post more, better, and more creative videos to you tube.

I guess that's it. At least they seem obtainable!

News from the Natali Household:

Ella has turned one (Nov 11) and Collin was born on Dec 5th. I now have 2 beautiful grand children and I couldn't be happier! They are both gorgeous geniuses. (or however you spell it) I now have a Facebook account and spend a lot of time in Farmville. Yes, I"m addicted!

Vito is having a lot of trouble with severe pain in this right shoulder and arm. We think we finally found a doctor who knows his butt from a hole in the ground, so we are keeping our fingers crossed that he can help.

We've been in the middle of a neighborhood crime spree. The Tuesday before Thanksgiving our house was broken into . They threw a brick through our dining room window and took off with my tennis bracelet, a jar of change, Vito's camera (with the pictures of Ella's birthday party in it), and Vito's vintage guitars. They tired to take our DVD player and TV, but we think something spooked them since they left them behind. The TV was swiveled out form its original place and the DVD player was found in our basement. My main fear when Vito called to tell me about the break-in was for our 2 cats. They were nowhere to be found and I was afraid they had either gotten out or the creeps who invaded us had hurt them. They finally came out of hiding about an hour or so after we got home.

Then, about 2 weeks later we had our tire slashed. And on December 17th someone tried to steal our car. They destroyed the steering column and took our radio. When they couldn't get the car started (anti-theft thingamajig) they slashed the tire. Our neighborhood has had a rash of these events, so I guess I shouldn't feet targeted. But I do!

I keep slowly uploading videos on you tube. Vito got me a flip type of camera for Christmas. I like them because they are smaller and less obvious than my regular video camera.

Hope everyone is having a great holiday season and I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL New Year!!!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Just a short note to show I’m still around. I’ve been off work since Sept 18th and go back to work tomorrow, October 1st. Decided that, since I missed August completely, I should post something here for September!!
We usually go to the beach in September, which is why I had such a long vacation, but Vito has really bad pain in his right arm. The idiot doctor he was going to wasn’t paying attention to what Vito was telling him about the nature of his pain. Vito will not be going back to him, but at least he got a consult for an EMG exam. I’ve been saying all along he needed a neurologist, not an orthopod!

We are going over to Brian & Mallory’s for dinner tonight since Brian had to work on our regular Monday night family dinners. I’ve gotten to see our Ella 3 times this week, counting tonight! YAY.

I have to get moving on Chrissie’s baby shower. I want to at least get the invitations out!!! (I’m so lazy)

We spent 3 days last week with my baby sister Josie in Amish country. They have a nice house and a nice hunk of land. I put a video of their horse Amos playing in the horse pen. We had a really great time. I bought an Amish style bonnet for Ella and a crochet trimmed bib and receiving blanket with crocheted booties for Colin who is due in December.

Well gotta go. Will try to post more often. (I know, I know, you just can’t WAIT for me to post again!)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Heard the locusts for the first time tonight. I love it when the crickets & locusts chirp. Or buzz, or whatever they do. I find it very restful.
We went to a confirmation party today and they had the BEST roast beef. I ate 2 sandwiches which is unusual for me. At least in one sitting!

I’m going downstairs and scrounge up something to eat. (It’s been awhile since the roast beef!) I figure since we’ve fed the cats, the crabs, the fish, and the local birds it’s time for us!!

Friday, July 3, 2009

This is John & Yoko. Yoko is on the left.

It’s a beautiful day here in the Burgh! Or at least it was…getting a little darker cloud here and there. Hopefully they will keep moving on and not rain on me! Trying to figure out if we want to go the annual 4th of July celebration in Crafton or not. Want to video tape some of it for my You Tube channel. I’m a lazy You Tuber, which I think I have said before.
Both my hermit crabs popped up early this morning so it looks like I will be cleaning out the crabitat. I’m debating on whether I want to move them into the bigger tank or not. Again, laziness is playing a part here! We left the bigger tank on the back porch during the winter and it needs to be cleaned out again. *sigh* But I think the bigger tank will work better with the new, larger salt water dish I bought them ages ago. Plus I need room for their fresh water dish, food dish, and shell holder. Will think on it some more. (Procrastination at its best)
Not much really going on here, as usual. Been re-reading the Discworld series. Terry Pratchett is awesome!
Since I don’t have much to say, here’s a list of the TV shows I try to follow (I know…excitement plus!):
Burn Notice, Psych, Monk, Dexter, Bill Mahr, Eureka, Graham Norton, Big Bang Theory, Two and Half Men, Desperate Housewives, Medium, Criminal Minds, Numbers, and Grey’s Anatomy. I am starting to get hooked on Nurse Jackie & True Blood. I also try to catch the Daily Show and the Colbert Report, but I usually end up watching the clips and/or shows on the net. Well, time to run back outside and procrastinate. Have a fun and safe Independence Day!!!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Last weekend in June!

Last Saturday the kids, all except Brian who was working came over to visit. Ella had her first taste of Grandpa’s pasta. She isn’t crawling so much as hauling herself up and trying to cruise. We got to see her on Sunday too since it was Father’s Day and Mallory & Brian came over to visit. Chrissie & Bill had already given Vito his gift on Friday. Chris, Bill, and I got Vito 2 canvases and a $100.00 gift certificate so he can buy some art supplies. Hope he follows through! He’s lazy about using his talents, just like I am. We had our family dinner on Monday at Brian & Mallory’s and got to play with Ella AGAIN!!! She’s a hoot. She crawls straight for anything that she can pull herself up on. You have to watch her constantly. Yeah, I know…the fun begins!

I’m still waiting for both my hermit crabs to emerge so that I can clean their crabitat and give them their new water bowl.

This was my seond full week back to work after vacation and I still have “vacation head”. It will probably last for awhile!

My great-niece, Brittany, who just turned 15, put up her first video on you tube. Go Brit!!!! Here’s the link:
She’s a really sweet kid, so please comment, rate, & subscribe!!! (Shamelessly promoting nepotism on you tube!)

Vito put another drive on my computer so that I can save all my videos in one place and clear up my C drive. He says the extra drive has as much space as my entire computer. We’ll see!!! I want to make a DVD of Chrissie & Bill’s wedding, so I may try that tomorrow. I wanted to go to North Park or Maraine, but we have to pick up our granddog from doggie day care. Chrissie & Bill are in Erie for the weekend. They will return tomorrow after stopping by my sister Jo’s place in Atlantic. (Chrissie just called…they are going to watch the sunset over the lake. I’m envious!)

I have a 4 day weekend next week. YAY for government holidays & accrued leave! So I will have two 4 day work weeks in a row! (Yeah, I am THAT sick of work!)

Well gotta go and finish the laundry & the baby dress I am making. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Lazy Week in June

Just spent a nice, long, lazy week of doing absolutely nothing! I haven’t even left the house, though we may go out tomorrow. I love vacations! All I did was sit on the back porch, crochet, read, and listen to my police scanner. Brian, Mallory, & Ella came over Sunday for pizza and they returned, along with Chrissie & Bill, on Monday for hot dogs & hamburgers. I have been busy today with editing my home videos, to be honest. I’m taking out the inappropriate bits (bad words and gestures mostly) and putting them together for an “R” rated video. They are funny bits, but not ones you’d want kids to see or hear. My family is SOOOOO classy!!!

We have steaks on the grill and ‘taters & onions on the stove for dinner. I’m starving!! It rained off and on all day and it’s definitely muggy in the house.

Well, not much of an update, but that’s because it’s lazy week!

Off to eat my dinner! See yinz!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

My last post in May!!! I think I’ve done better posting this month! Trying to make it a habit, which, with my addictive personality, should be a BREEZE. Vito is downstairs making ravioli for dinner. Bless him! We got to watch Ella for a few hours today while the kids went to Toys R Us and bought out the store. We’ll get to see Ella’s new toys tomorrow when we go over for our regular family dinner.

I put Ella in her swing for a bit today, but I think she is too big for it. We should have gotten it sooner. We’re going to put it away until our next grandchild arrives, which should be around December 21st. Yep, Chrissie is pregnant and so far so good. Doing just fine. She still works part time at K-Mart and I told her not to overdo it. She says she wants to know the baby’s gender. That will make it easier for me with my crocheting!!!

Vito and I are going to take a vacation next week. Mostly porch view, but we need the rest. I haven’t taken a full week since Christmas. I’m hoping to make some videos on local attractions for You Tube. We’ll see. Maybe we’ll get our fishing licenses this week and search for fishing spots.

Check out my link to my You Tube account! If you like it, please subscribe and feel free to comment. Thanks!

Well, gotta go and enjoy Vito’s ravioli! See yinz in June!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Nobby gets Neutered

Another quick update from the Natali household. We are going to my nephew’s house for a barbecue when Vito gets off work at 4. We have to stop and get pop, chips, and pretzels. We always do things at the last minute!! 2 of my sisters & their husbands and Chrissie and Bill will be there also. Brian is working and Mallory and Ella are at her aunt’s house so they won’t be coming today. I wanted to show off my grandbaby!!!!!

On the 14th we took an unsuspecting Nobby to the vet to be neutered. Yes, Nobby has lost his Nobs.! (Chrissie just came in and Nobby is following her around….he thinks he’s a dog) Anyhoo…when we picked him up later that day the volunteer gave us the normal post op advise and said that he would probably still be under the effects of the anesthesia. She figured he’d be slow and lethargic for a while and would sleep a lot. Knowing my cat I doubted that. And I was right. He did have trouble getting out of the cat carrier at first, but took off from there with no problem. Getting on the bookcase eating the memorial flowers from the wedding (yes, they are still there), hiding under the blanket on the couch attacking us, etc.

Nobby is obsessed with our tub and the faucet. He seems to be trying to figure out how the water comes out. Every morning when I get up and run my tub he comes flying into the bathroom with me. He jumps up on the toilet and puts his forepaws on the edge of the tub by the faucet. When I lean over to turn it on he looks up into my face and puts his paw in the air, as if he’s saying THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!!!! It’s really disgustingly cute.

One of our baby birds fell out of the nest the other day, landing on our porch. The mama bird was still feeding it and we should have just gotten a towel for him to have a warm nest and left them to it. But we tried to catch it and put it back. He flopped into our glider cover and it took us awhile to find him in the folds. When we did, he flopped/flew under our glider. We decided to wait until he came back out and try again. When we came back out he was gone. Still haven’t found him. Now I feel bad!!! We should have just let him alone.

Today, when Vito came home for lunch, he found two baby grackles drowned in our pond and one trying to get a drink. What is it with birds around here? *LOL*
Not very bright I guess.

I’m thinking of compiling different clips of Pittsburgh for You Tube. One theme will be our city steps and paper streets (paper streets are city steps that show up on maps as actual streets. Lots of visitors aren’t happy when they find out that Litchfield Street is a pair of city steps in the Sheraden section of the Burgh!) Another one may be entitled “Odd Pittsburgh” (Do NOT comment! *LOL*) and/or Odd Pittsburgh houses.

Well, have to go and get ready to head out to Zelienople for the barbecue! Take care. Will post again soon I hope!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Quick Update for a Monday

A quick update so that I can say I posted 2 days in a row! Just got home from work! Vito bought Ella a high chair so that she can eat with us when we have our weekly family dinners at our place. Today we are going to Brian & Mallory’s for dinner. We usually switch every other week. When Chrissie & Bill get their own place then we can switch every 3 weeks, *duh*

I wore my new shoes to work today, but had to change into my old ones by mid-day. My feet are so messed up!! I have to break my shoes in a little bit at a time.
Well, off to get ready to go over to the kids. See yinz soon.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Another Sunday!!! It’s a bit chilly today so I spent most of it indoors. I watched an Ellen Degeneres HBO comedy I recorded called “Here and Now”. I think she is hysterical. I also practiced, off & on, on my piano, crocheted a bit, and checked in on twitter. I’m new to twitter and still trying to figure it out. I have 2 people following me. How exciting! *LOL*

We went out with Brian, Mallory, & Ella to look at houses. They want their own place. The first house wasn’t too great. I got stuck in the attic because of the tiny stairs and no railing. I hung on to Vito to get down. Also, the floor had a definite slant to it. It sat on one of Pittsburgh’s really steep hills so it didn’t feel at all safe. The 2nd house was much, much, much better! Hardwood floors, nice closet space, plenty of outlets, finished basement. It’s a 3 bedroom, 2 ½ bath duplex (I actually call a side by side duplex a double. To me duplexes are top and bottom….1st floor one house, 2nd floor another. Don’t know if that’s right or not, but that’s how my head works!) in the Ingram area. Much nicer area to live in. The only thing I, Grandma, didn’t like was the busy street out front. I worry!

We have another active bird nest on our porch. Vito found an old bird’s nest on our swing and moved it to the left corner post on our porch. Yesterday we discovered a robin sitting in it. Hopefully I will be able to take some photos or videos of the babies when they hatch. Mallory and Ella came over to visit yesterday. I just love having Ella over! We played, I showed her some signs (Much easier when she can sit up on her own and watch me) I got to feed her and let her play my keyboard. I’m going to be such a pushover with her! Vito already is.

I finished Childhood’s End. Really good book, not what I thought it was going to be at all. Now I’m reading a Fern Michael book I had laying around the house, Kentucky Sunrise. It’s 3rd in a series, but I probably won’t go hunting the 1st two. I’m also still reading Crime Scene: Inside the World of the real CSIs by Connie Fletcher. Really interesting. She has another one called What Cops Know that I want to read when I’m done with this one.

Vito sold his industrial size espresso machine (see picture) today. He got a buyer from Craig’s List. Now we have vacation money for Ocean City, NJ!!! YAY!!!

I really don’t want to go to work tomorrow, but we have to pay the bills! At least next weekend (I think) is our 3 day weekend for Memorial Day. I might add Tuesday off so I’ll have 4 whole days. Maybe we can go visit my sister Josie in Atlantic, PA. Not sure, though, since I hate traveling on holiday weekends.

Well, gotta go and check twitter and practice some more on the keyboard. I’m taping Desperate Housewives tonight. I come upstairs and surf the net at 10 on the nights when I have to get up for work. Then I read a bit and hit the hay.

Take care and Ciao for Now!!! : )

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Wow!!! I didn’t realize how long it’s been since I posted here!!! I missed April altogether!!!! I REALLY have to put my mind to this!

Had a beautiful day today. A little cool, but not bad. Sat on our “new” glider out front and watched a little bird drama going on. We have canvas awnings on our front porch that I won’t allow to be let down because we have several bird families that nest there. Yes, the awnings are getting ruined but I just can’t kill baby birds!!! One nest, the far left front one, has babies. I can hear them chirping. Today I watched what I thought was the mama bird clinging to my porch swing getting ready to enter the nest. (Most of the nest is hidden in the awning’s folds, so we can’t see the babies) Sure enough, she flew to the edge of the opening in the folds but out of nowhere another female came flying at her and attacked. The first bird was NOT the mama!!! NOT THE MAMA….sorry, flashback to old tv show. I know nothing about birds so I don’t know if the intruding female wanted to kill the babies, adopt the babies, or simply take over the nest. There were two males flying around, also. I know one was the papa because he chased a poor innocent robin (who had no clue) away. I don’t even know what type of bird it was. I think some sort of finch, maybe? The only songbirds I know by sight are robins, cardinals, and blue jays. Anything else to me is guesswork.

My lilacs are on the way out and my azaleas are in full bloom. I love lilacs, but they don’t last long. I’ll feed the dying ones to my hermit crabs. I’ve already picked dandelions for them.

Vito is having severe pain in his right shoulder. Possible rotator cuff (though the doctor isn’t really sure at this point) or a pinched nerve. I hope they fix him soon. He is in a lot of pain.

We got to babysit Ella again a few weeks ago. I love it!!! She isn’t crawling yet, but I think in the next week or two at most she’ll be flying around. She will be 6 months tomorrow, the 11th. She is awesome.

The kids and Vito got me an 88 key keyboard for Mother’s Day. Well, Mother’s Day & birthday combined. I am still, slowly, trying to learn to play with both hands. SLOW process!!! I just finished reading the 2nd book in the Twilight series, New Moon, and cannot wait to start the 3rd. Right now I am reading Arthur C. Clarke’s Childhood’s End. I have a copy somewhere in the house but can’t find it, so I had Vito get one from the library. I have become a Fringe freak and noticed it prominently displayed on a book shelf in last weeks episode. Always wanted to read it so I took it as a sign!!

I’m boiling potatoes for tomorrow’s family dinner. Chrissie is cooking, but asked me to make potato salad. We are having chicken…barbecued I think. Well, have to go and check on the taters. Hopefully I will do better in the future posting on my blog!!! Take care and see yinz later!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Just thought I’d check in before March is gone. I cannot WAIT until it is totally spring and I can sit outside. It became too chilly to sit out for long on Saturday and I didn’t even try today. I spent most of today watching TV, crocheting, and playing with my home videos. On Friday Vito showed me a daffodil that sprang up in our front yard. (I didn’t even know we HAD daffodils in our yard!) I guess that means spring is really here?

I’m trying to clear out the movie clips I have saved on Windows Movie Maker so that I can have only active projects that I am working on. So I spent a lot of time combining individual clips and moving them to my Photo & Movie albums. Since I am still learning how to do all of that it is taking FOREVER! But it’s fun! I have a plan to put different video clips of Ella together to document her first year of life. That will be time consuming, but I figure if I start the project now, all I’ll have to do is add new ones. I have 4 ½ months to catch up to right now. I’ll let you know how that goes.

Vito is making dinner (bless him) and, since Desperate Housewives is a repeat, I can surf the net earlier tonight. I have been crocheting the Doily from hell. It’s very pretty, but I keep goofing it up. (I know…it’s NOT the doily….it’s ME!) I should be done with it soon. I only have 1 ½ rows to go. I will post a picture when I finally complete it.

Vito is going nuts. Our kitten somehow pulled the wires out of his computer and he has been trying to fix it all day. Nobby is smart enough to hide from him. *LOL*

Not much to post. Brian made dinner last Monday and it was delicious. He made homemade gnocchi with wheat flour and a lamb & tomato sauce. Awesome. We stayed longer than normal and got to see Ella get her bath. The picture posted is one that Vito took and I think it’s amazing. He entered it in an art contest his work is having.

Well, gotta go. Later, gators!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Another nice Sunday!!!

Today I was sitting on the front porch in the sunshine. I tried the back porch but it was in the shade and the breeze was still too cool and made the backyard too chilly. Some idiot was riding his quad up and down the street earlier, so I put on police scanner to see how fast someone called. No one did. Very disappointing! If he’d kept it up, I would have called.

No fishing license yet (for those who are keeping tabs). Maybe Vito will get it tomorrow while I am at work. (crossing fingers)

Nothing much happening, here. Saw the squirrel again yesterday…or maybe it was a different one. Who can tell? Besides other squirrels I mean. Doesn’t matter what squirrel I am seeing, its name is Rocky! Our kitten, Nobby, has discovered the hermit crabs. I knew he would…he’s smart and curious. Now I have to keep my office door shut unless I am up here. He caved in the screen covering them yesterday. I was terrified he got one of them, but I don’t think he did. (I don’t always have both of them on the surface where I can see them) I have a constant nightmare that he is going to lunch on them one day.

We got to babysit Ella today for a few hours. Our first time babysitting. Mallory is gaining confidence in us! *LOL* We took her for a walk in the stroller Vito got her. (see above) It was wonderful and now I have a way to get Vito & me out to exercise!! Ella was getting a bit fussy, so we headed for home. On the way back, one of our neighbors called over to us to come by their garage. She came out with a jogging stroller (I think that’s what it’s called). She said we could have it, as her kids are now too big for it. I thought that was really nice. We joked with her about how cool is our neighborhood when you take a leisurely stroll and end up with a free gift!! Vito took fussy Ella back while we talked for a bit. When I got back to the house, Ella was still fussing. The funny thing is she stopped when she saw & heard me. Vito started whining, but I told him it was the “female mommy” voice she was responding too. (HAD to tell him SOMETHING!) So I changed Ella’s stinky diaper (Ella smella!) and told Vito “guess why she was fussing!” and tapping my foot while I said it. Then Ella and I played on the floor til Brian and Mallory came back. Now that I’m over my first babysitting experience with my grandbaby (hey, it’s been 25 years!) I feel more confident for next time.

I made a pot roast yesterday and stuck it in the fridge, so all I had to do was heat it up today. It came out pretty good. I can make a few things well!! I made chili last Wednesday when the kids came over for dinner. That came out ok too. Two hits in a week! WOW! *LOL*

We are supposed to get a glider off of Bill’s parents. They bought a porch swing and no longer have room for it. So I guess I’ll probably be spending more time out front this year.

Well, gotta go and upload this before Desperate Housewives comes on and my laundry is calling. Til next time!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

It was a wonderful 72 degrees in the Burgh yesterday! Unbelievable! I sat out on my back porch, my usual spot in warm weather, with all my necessities around me: police scanner (have to see what the neighbors are up to), coffee, cigarettes, puzzle books, pen, pencil, paper, books I’m currently reading (this time it’s J.D. Robb’s Promises in Death), crocheting, and my handy dandy cameras. I just sat there and soaked in the nice, warm weather. The yard is still a winter mess with lots of mud and leaves, but Vito came home from work and started fussing with the plants. Our lone little cherry tree and the grape vines are just sticks yet, but if this weather keeps up they should be budding soon. Can’t wait for my lilacs to bloom!

We plan to get our 09 fishing licenses next pay (in 2 weeks) so, hopefully, we will put in more attempts at catching a fish thank last year. We are lazy about going places. But all in all, we’ve had a great start on the not so new year. Chrissie and Bill are married (see previous post), Brian and Mallory gave us our beautiful grandchild, Ella, and my work replaced the 2 employees who left so my workload is back to normal and much more manageable.

I’m back trying to learn American Sign Language (ASL). Mostly, this time, for Ella. I’d love for her to learn it. Vito is talking to her only in Italian and ASL could tie in nicely with that. I think signing for babies is awesome and helps them with their language and reading skills. Plus, it will be fun!

I overheard my neighbors talking and I think they are planning to cut down the tree in their back yard. I hope not. I love having trees around me and since all we have is a 2 year old cherry tree that Vito planted, I enjoy the trees my neighbors have. Most of them are old and huge and I love to hear them whispering in the wind. I have always believed that trees talk! Must be the Druid in me! About 3 or 4 years ago the same neighbors (they have a corner lot 2 doors down from us) cut down the tree that was next to their porch. I was unhappy about that because I used to sit on our porch swing and look through the tunnel our porches made and see a beautiful curtain of green at the end of it. Of course, it was THEIR tree to do with want they wanted, but still!!!

While I was outside yesterday I saw my first robin of the year and a squirrel ran past me and ducked under the porch. I get excited when I see wildlife, even something as mundane as a squirrel!

Well I have to go and upload a video I took of Nobby yesterday. I think, if it turns out ok that I will post it on You Tube. Maybe here too! Take care and see ya soon!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Well, it’s official. Chrissie and Bill are now one. It was fantastic. We had a few hitches, mostly at the rehearsal. My sister, brother in law, niece, nephew, and great nephew were on their way to the rehearsal (they live about an hour and a half north) when the transmission on their truck went. They could only go forward…couldn’t back up. They called Vito to come get my niece and nephew (maid of honor and usher respectively) and bring them to the Burgh. The rest drove the sick truck back home. So Vito missed the first rehearsal, but they made it in time for the re-do. The second hitch was I discovered I was in the wedding! *LOL* Thought all I had to do was walk to my seat, watch the ceremony, and then get escorted back out at the end! But NOOOOOOO….Bills’ mom and I had to walk down the aisle at the very beginning of the ceremony carrying a taper (enter Lady MacBeth) and walk up to the altar and each of us light a candle on either side of the Unity Candle. The kids would then, after they were united, light the Unity Candle with both candles. Actually it was way cool. I never saw that before, but it seems like I’m behind the times a bit. I thought it was awesome.

The wedding itself went great. I didn’t cry, but I came close a few times. Once was when Vito was walking Chrissie down the aisle. Then I almost lost it when Chrissie and Bill came over and handed me a rose and hugged me. MY BABY WAS MARRIED!!!! *sigh* My great niece in nephew (different great nephew than the one in the broken down truck) were in the ceremony also. Flower girl and ring bearer. My little nephew is not quite 3, but he was wonderful, even though he almost fell asleep on his feet at the beginning of the ceremony. (The wedding took place during his naptime) After the ceremony we all went outside (remember, February and bitter cold) and blew bubbles as they came down the church steps. Then we all hurried, and I do mean hurried, back inside for pictures.

The reception was tons of fun. It really came off great and everyone had a blast. I heard a rumor that a video of Bill’s relatives singing at the wedding is on You Tube, but we haven’t found it yet! My little great nephew picked up my co-workers two little girls and partied down. It was hysterical! I have no video of it because my camera battery was being charged, but I’m sure someone in my family taped it. Even my older brother in law got in the action! Mallory wheeled him around the firehouse at the head of a conga line. Loved it. I’ll post a picture of Chrissie and Bill and, hopefully, the cake topper here. I thought the cake topper was hysterical. Hey, I raised my daughter right!!!

One the cutest ideas they came up with was the candy table. Someone did it at another wedding and since this was Valentine’s Day it fit really well. (will post that pic either here or on next blog…which should be later today) (it is now 1:20 AM here) They had cute plastic bags with hearts on them so that people could go up to the table and get a bagful of candy. Attached to the bag was a cut out heart with “Chrissie and Bill” written on one side and little sayings like the sweetheart candies that come out around Valentine’s Day. Sayings like “Kiss me”, “I love you”, etc. Well that’s it for now. Have to check out You Tube and head for bed. Happy March to all!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Steelers and Upcoming Wedding

Well, it’s now February and Pittsburgh has recovered from the Steeler’s victory! YAY STILLERS!!! Even though the celebration after the game nearly burned down the Oakland part of the city, I’m thrilled we won. Three more “firsts” for the Burgh! Youngest coach to win a Superbowl, longest touchdown run in a Superbowl (Even though he acted like a jackass later, you can’t take that away from him), and the first to get SIX (count ‘em…SIX) Superbowl victories. NOT that I’m bragging …. Ok, I am. Like I did it. Like I took the team to victory. Bragging anyway!

Chrissie’s wedding is this Saturday…yeah, I know, Valentine’s Day. She definitely has more of the foof gene in her than I do!!! We are babysitting her kitten, Cupcake (see pic…she looks mean but she’s not *LOL*), Nobby’s sister, for the day. Then we get her back on Friday night. She is gorgeous, a brown tortoiseshell. Nobby is happy. He’s been running amok with his sister since last night. Today is my “rest” day. Took leave for today and tomorrow so I could calm my nerves and relax before the big wedding rush. They are having a regular Pittsburgh Fire Hall reception after the ceremony and it’s all home made. Love that about the burgh. Fire Hall receptions were where I tasted different foods from the “American” and German/Pennsylvania Dutch fare I was raised on. Lot of Slovak foods that I can’t pronounce but love to eat

We are having the wedding rehearsal Friday evening and then, after 10 PM, we have to prepare the fire hall for the reception. Bill’s family wanted to do it Saturday morning, but there is no way I can schlep (interesting….schlep is in the Word Spell Check! *LOL*) around Saturday morning, help Chrissie with hair and dress (sort of), get MYSELF dressed, attend the wedding and reception, and not have a stroke. So, late Friday it is!!! I will post some pics for you when it’s over and I’m relaxed!

Ciao for now.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


(‘course in Pittsburghese it would be “HERE WE GO STILLERS!”

Yes, the Burgh is rocking tonight! *LOL* I’m a relatively new Steeler fan, although I was always proud when they won the championships and the superbowls, just because I love my city. I didn’t really start watching them until the last time we headed for the superbowl. I was crocheting, Vito had the game on and I just happened to look up and see number 43, Troy Polamalu, literally dance over a pile of men stacked up on the field. It was such an unexpected ballet-type move that I began to actually watch the game. Even though I didn’t know squat about football (still don’t actually) I began to realize what great teamwork and camaraderie this team had. I am not at all a sports person and football generally is way down on my list of sports, but I got hooked. On the Steelers, not football itself. I’m still lost on all the rules and whatnot, but I know enough to enjoy my team when they are playing.

I’m going to buy Ella a Terrible Toddler Towel to celebrate the championship win and to root our Stillers on to Victory in Tampa!!!!!
GO STILLERS!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I finished an old fashioned crocheted baby bonnet for Ella. I just hope it fits! I decided not to put on the pom-pom. I'm just not a pom-pom person!!
Just a quick update on our goings on here in PA. I had to call off of work. Vito hurt his back over the weekend putting the tree away. I would have helped him, but he didn’t tell me he was doing it. His back hurt, but not a lot. Then last night, due to the weather and a local basketball game, it took him an hour and a half to get me at work, then we spent another hour and a half getting home. I got off work at 5 PM and didn’t’ get home until a little after 8 PM. Vito spent 3 hours in the car and today he could hardly move. It’s a little better now and I hope it’s a LOT better tomorrow, both for his sake and mine. I’m covering 3 jobs plus my own and cannot afford to miss any more days. Thank God Monday is a holiday!

Chrissie’s wedding shower is Saturday and I still have to make a basket for a door prize, plus get cold refreshments. We HAVE to do that tomorrow after work. (yeah, I know…last minute as always!)

Well off to check you tube and then finish Marley and Me. Just had to read that one!!! See ya in a bit!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Maregee Holiday Update for 2008

It’s been awhile since I posted and I feel like a real lazy bones! I missed December 08 totally!!!! We’ve had a very busy (for us) 2 months and I am still recuperating!

We had Thanksgiving at our nephew & niece’s house, something new this year. It was really wonderful. Most of the family showed and Ella, my grandbaby, was there too! We showed her off to everyone while eating a wonderful meal! My brother in law was able to come, also. He was being bounced back and forth from hospital to physical rehab, but was well enough to come. By Christmas he was back home so we could do our traditional Christmas get together at my oldest sister’s house. We didn’t do our family grab bag this year; we only bought for the little ones.

We did 95% of our Christmas shopping in one day. I managed to finish crocheting a dress for Ella in time for Christmas. The blanket took me longer and she got that on New Year’s Day. (now I can finish my scarf before winter ends!)

Christmas Eve was fun, but busy! We went to Mallory’s (our future daughter in law) grandmother’s house (our 2nd year of doing this) and had the traditional Italian 7 fishes dinner. It was delicious!! (Trust me; I didn’t cook….we brought wine!) We also had some venison which we rarely get to eat. I don’t know many hunters, even though Pennsylvania is filled with them! After that, about 11 PM we headed off to our friend’s house for snacks and gift opening. Gift opening is always fun!

I worked this New Year’s Eve, so after work I took a quick nap and after I woke up, we headed out to our friend’s again for fondue, poker, and ringing in the New Year! On New Year’s Day I made dinner and Mallory, Ella, and Chrissie (my daughter) came over for dinner. Like I said, we’ve been busy!

Like every year I plan to start my holiday shopping early so I can enjoy the next holiday season! I’ve even started a spreadsheet to keep track of ideas and purchases. This is my only New Year’s resolution since I am bad at keeping any of them!!! Hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year. God Bless Us Everyone!!!

PS: Our living room on Christmas Eve with Ella's stocking hung by the chimney with care!