Sunday, January 18, 2009


(‘course in Pittsburghese it would be “HERE WE GO STILLERS!”

Yes, the Burgh is rocking tonight! *LOL* I’m a relatively new Steeler fan, although I was always proud when they won the championships and the superbowls, just because I love my city. I didn’t really start watching them until the last time we headed for the superbowl. I was crocheting, Vito had the game on and I just happened to look up and see number 43, Troy Polamalu, literally dance over a pile of men stacked up on the field. It was such an unexpected ballet-type move that I began to actually watch the game. Even though I didn’t know squat about football (still don’t actually) I began to realize what great teamwork and camaraderie this team had. I am not at all a sports person and football generally is way down on my list of sports, but I got hooked. On the Steelers, not football itself. I’m still lost on all the rules and whatnot, but I know enough to enjoy my team when they are playing.

I’m going to buy Ella a Terrible Toddler Towel to celebrate the championship win and to root our Stillers on to Victory in Tampa!!!!!
GO STILLERS!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I finished an old fashioned crocheted baby bonnet for Ella. I just hope it fits! I decided not to put on the pom-pom. I'm just not a pom-pom person!!
Just a quick update on our goings on here in PA. I had to call off of work. Vito hurt his back over the weekend putting the tree away. I would have helped him, but he didn’t tell me he was doing it. His back hurt, but not a lot. Then last night, due to the weather and a local basketball game, it took him an hour and a half to get me at work, then we spent another hour and a half getting home. I got off work at 5 PM and didn’t’ get home until a little after 8 PM. Vito spent 3 hours in the car and today he could hardly move. It’s a little better now and I hope it’s a LOT better tomorrow, both for his sake and mine. I’m covering 3 jobs plus my own and cannot afford to miss any more days. Thank God Monday is a holiday!

Chrissie’s wedding shower is Saturday and I still have to make a basket for a door prize, plus get cold refreshments. We HAVE to do that tomorrow after work. (yeah, I know…last minute as always!)

Well off to check you tube and then finish Marley and Me. Just had to read that one!!! See ya in a bit!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Maregee Holiday Update for 2008

It’s been awhile since I posted and I feel like a real lazy bones! I missed December 08 totally!!!! We’ve had a very busy (for us) 2 months and I am still recuperating!

We had Thanksgiving at our nephew & niece’s house, something new this year. It was really wonderful. Most of the family showed and Ella, my grandbaby, was there too! We showed her off to everyone while eating a wonderful meal! My brother in law was able to come, also. He was being bounced back and forth from hospital to physical rehab, but was well enough to come. By Christmas he was back home so we could do our traditional Christmas get together at my oldest sister’s house. We didn’t do our family grab bag this year; we only bought for the little ones.

We did 95% of our Christmas shopping in one day. I managed to finish crocheting a dress for Ella in time for Christmas. The blanket took me longer and she got that on New Year’s Day. (now I can finish my scarf before winter ends!)

Christmas Eve was fun, but busy! We went to Mallory’s (our future daughter in law) grandmother’s house (our 2nd year of doing this) and had the traditional Italian 7 fishes dinner. It was delicious!! (Trust me; I didn’t cook….we brought wine!) We also had some venison which we rarely get to eat. I don’t know many hunters, even though Pennsylvania is filled with them! After that, about 11 PM we headed off to our friend’s house for snacks and gift opening. Gift opening is always fun!

I worked this New Year’s Eve, so after work I took a quick nap and after I woke up, we headed out to our friend’s again for fondue, poker, and ringing in the New Year! On New Year’s Day I made dinner and Mallory, Ella, and Chrissie (my daughter) came over for dinner. Like I said, we’ve been busy!

Like every year I plan to start my holiday shopping early so I can enjoy the next holiday season! I’ve even started a spreadsheet to keep track of ideas and purchases. This is my only New Year’s resolution since I am bad at keeping any of them!!! Hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year. God Bless Us Everyone!!!

PS: Our living room on Christmas Eve with Ella's stocking hung by the chimney with care!