Well, it's almost 2010 and time for New Year's Resolutions. I usually don't make them because I never keep them. But I thought I'd give it a try for the 1st decade of the 21st Century. Here goes:
1. Blog more often, even it it's just one sentence. (We'll see about this one!)
2. Finish all of my crocheting projects. And, hopefully, in a more timely manner. (Sorry Chrissie! I'm trying to finish before Collin goes to college!)
3. Clean out my office and then progress to the rest of the house. (Again, we'll see!)
4. Be prepared and shop ahead of time for holidays and special occasions. (This is a biggee for me!)
5. Write.
6. Cut down on smoking. (Another "we'll see".)
7. Post more, better, and more creative videos to you tube.
I guess that's it. At least they seem obtainable!
News from the Natali Household:
Ella has turned one (Nov 11) and Collin was born on Dec 5th. I now have 2 beautiful grand children and I couldn't be happier! They are both gorgeous geniuses. (or however you spell it) I now have a Facebook account and spend a lot of time in Farmville. Yes, I"m addicted!
Vito is having a lot of trouble with severe pain in this right shoulder and arm. We think we finally found a doctor who knows his butt from a hole in the ground, so we are keeping our fingers crossed that he can help.
We've been in the middle of a neighborhood crime spree. The Tuesday before Thanksgiving our house was broken into . They threw a brick through our dining room window and took off with my tennis bracelet, a jar of change, Vito's camera (with the pictures of Ella's birthday party in it), and Vito's vintage guitars. They tired to take our DVD player and TV, but we think something spooked them since they left them behind. The TV was swiveled out form its original place and the DVD player was found in our basement. My main fear when Vito called to tell me about the break-in was for our 2 cats. They were nowhere to be found and I was afraid they had either gotten out or the creeps who invaded us had hurt them. They finally came out of hiding about an hour or so after we got home.
Then, about 2 weeks later we had our tire slashed. And on December 17th someone tried to steal our car. They destroyed the steering column and took our radio. When they couldn't get the car started (anti-theft thingamajig) they slashed the tire. Our neighborhood has had a rash of these events, so I guess I shouldn't feet targeted. But I do!
I keep slowly uploading videos on you tube. Vito got me a flip type of camera for Christmas. I like them because they are smaller and less obvious than my regular video camera.
Hope everyone is having a great holiday season and I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL New Year!!!
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