Monday, January 2, 2012

Well, it's a new year and I am once again going to try to blog more often. Using my iPad to type this so I'm going bit slow. Americn Pickers is on TV because I am too lazy to change the channel. Been listening to podcasts (a way with words is my favorite so far), playing words with friends (have yet to figure out how to get it working on my iPad), made a breakfast casserole, working on my blanket for Collin, doing laundry, did a ton of dishes, and thinking of new year resolutions. I've made a list. Actually I think it's the same list I posted a year or so ago, but I think most people have the same resolutions every year. If we actually achieved our resolutions, we wouldn't have to make them every year because we would be the type-A personalities who don't NEED to make them!

Anyhow, here are mine (so far): learn to play the piano, blog more, learn to cook, crochet more & finish projects, shop early for special occasions, clean office and create decent office/craft room, write more in general, do more outside activities & trips with family.

I think that's it for resolutions. Oh yeah, and learn ASL.

Well, off to do more laundry! See ya sson.


Leona Raisin said...

Since you play "Words With Friends" you might like to visit my blog to try my TV trivia anagram game. Have a happy new year.

Cricket54 said...

This year I finally figured out the perfect list of New Year's resolutions for me:
1) Don't make any resolutions
2) The end.