(‘course in Pittsburghese it would be “HERE WE GO STILLERS!”
Yes, the Burgh is rocking tonight! *LOL* I’m a relatively new Steeler fan, although I was always proud when they won the championships and the superbowls, just because I love my city. I didn’t really start watching them until the last time we headed for the superbowl. I was crocheting, Vito had the game on and I just happened to look up and see number 43, Troy Polamalu, literally dance over a pile of men stacked up on the field. It was such an unexpected ballet-type move that I began to actually watch the game. Even though I didn’t know squat about football (still don’t actually) I began to realize what great teamwork and camaraderie this team had. I am not at all a sports person and football generally is way down on my list of sports, but I got hooked. On the Steelers, not football itself. I’m still lost on all the rules and whatnot, but I know enough to enjoy my team when they are playing.
I’m going to buy Ella a Terrible Toddler Towel to celebrate the championship win and to root our Stillers on to Victory in Tampa!!!!!
GO STILLERS!!!!!!!!!!
(‘course in Pittsburghese it would be “HERE WE GO STILLERS!”
Yes, the Burgh is rocking tonight! *LOL* I’m a relatively new Steeler fan, although I was always proud when they won the championships and the superbowls, just because I love my city. I didn’t really start watching them until the last time we headed for the superbowl. I was crocheting, Vito had the game on and I just happened to look up and see number 43, Troy Polamalu, literally dance over a pile of men stacked up on the field. It was such an unexpected ballet-type move that I began to actually watch the game. Even though I didn’t know squat about football (still don’t actually) I began to realize what great teamwork and camaraderie this team had. I am not at all a sports person and football generally is way down on my list of sports, but I got hooked. On the Steelers, not football itself. I’m still lost on all the rules and whatnot, but I know enough to enjoy my team when they are playing.
I’m going to buy Ella a Terrible Toddler Towel to celebrate the championship win and to root our Stillers on to Victory in Tampa!!!!!
GO STILLERS!!!!!!!!!!
I've not followed football in YEARS but was a devoted Steelers fan back in the days of Terry Bradshaw and Franco Harris.I have fond memories of screaming myself hoarse after the "Immaculate Reception". *LOL* May the Steelers kick Cardinal butt!! (Every wonder why they play the Super Bowl on stinkin' SUNDAY NIGHT? *grrrrrrrrrrrr*)
Tell me about it!!! The good thing is the drive to work the following Monday when the Steelers play is a breeze!!!! Our schools even had a 2 hour delay! *LOL*
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