Sunday, March 8, 2009

It was a wonderful 72 degrees in the Burgh yesterday! Unbelievable! I sat out on my back porch, my usual spot in warm weather, with all my necessities around me: police scanner (have to see what the neighbors are up to), coffee, cigarettes, puzzle books, pen, pencil, paper, books I’m currently reading (this time it’s J.D. Robb’s Promises in Death), crocheting, and my handy dandy cameras. I just sat there and soaked in the nice, warm weather. The yard is still a winter mess with lots of mud and leaves, but Vito came home from work and started fussing with the plants. Our lone little cherry tree and the grape vines are just sticks yet, but if this weather keeps up they should be budding soon. Can’t wait for my lilacs to bloom!

We plan to get our 09 fishing licenses next pay (in 2 weeks) so, hopefully, we will put in more attempts at catching a fish thank last year. We are lazy about going places. But all in all, we’ve had a great start on the not so new year. Chrissie and Bill are married (see previous post), Brian and Mallory gave us our beautiful grandchild, Ella, and my work replaced the 2 employees who left so my workload is back to normal and much more manageable.

I’m back trying to learn American Sign Language (ASL). Mostly, this time, for Ella. I’d love for her to learn it. Vito is talking to her only in Italian and ASL could tie in nicely with that. I think signing for babies is awesome and helps them with their language and reading skills. Plus, it will be fun!

I overheard my neighbors talking and I think they are planning to cut down the tree in their back yard. I hope not. I love having trees around me and since all we have is a 2 year old cherry tree that Vito planted, I enjoy the trees my neighbors have. Most of them are old and huge and I love to hear them whispering in the wind. I have always believed that trees talk! Must be the Druid in me! About 3 or 4 years ago the same neighbors (they have a corner lot 2 doors down from us) cut down the tree that was next to their porch. I was unhappy about that because I used to sit on our porch swing and look through the tunnel our porches made and see a beautiful curtain of green at the end of it. Of course, it was THEIR tree to do with want they wanted, but still!!!

While I was outside yesterday I saw my first robin of the year and a squirrel ran past me and ducked under the porch. I get excited when I see wildlife, even something as mundane as a squirrel!

Well I have to go and upload a video I took of Nobby yesterday. I think, if it turns out ok that I will post it on You Tube. Maybe here too! Take care and see ya soon!


Para Handy said...

Congratulations Mare,,, A beautiful couple but He wid hae looked a lot better had he bin wearin ma "Sporran"

margee said...

Isn't my life fascinating? Let's grab a wee drinkie and go feed the coos!!