Well, it’s official. Chrissie and Bill are now one. It was fantastic. We had a few hitches, mostly at the rehearsal. My sister, brother in law, niece, nephew, and great nephew were on their way to the rehearsal (they live about an hour and a half north) when the transmission on their truck went. They could only go forward…couldn’t back up. They called Vito to come get my niece and nephew (maid of honor and usher respectively) and bring them to the Burgh. The rest drove the sick truck back home. So Vito missed the first rehearsal, but they made it in time for the re-do. The second hitch was I discovered I was in the wedding! *LOL* Thought all I had to do was walk to my seat, watch the ceremony, and then get escorted back out at the end! But NOOOOOOO….Bills’ mom and I had to walk down the aisle at the very beginning of the ceremony carrying a taper (enter Lady MacBeth) and walk up to the altar and each of us light a candle on either side of the Unity Candle. The kids would then, after they were united, light the Unity Candle with both candles. Actually it was way cool. I never saw that before, but it seems like I’m behind the times a bit. I thought it was awesome.
The wedding itself went great. I didn’t cry, but I came close a few times. Once was when Vito was walking Chrissie down the aisle. Then I almost lost it when Chrissie and Bill came over and handed me a rose and hugged me. MY BABY WAS MARRIED!!!! *sigh* My great niece in nephew (different great nephew than the one in the broken down truck) were in the ceremony also. Flower girl and ring bearer. My little nephew is not quite 3, but he was wonderful, even though he almost fell asleep on his feet at the beginning of the ceremony. (The wedding took place during his naptime) After the ceremony we all went outside (remember, February and bitter cold) and blew bubbles as they came down the church steps. Then we all hurried, and I do mean hurried, back inside for pictures.
The reception was tons of fun. It really came off great and everyone had a blast. I heard a rumor that a video of Bill’s relatives singing at the wedding is on You Tube, but we haven’t found it yet! My little great nephew picked up my co-workers two little girls and partied down. It was hysterical! I have no video of it because my camera battery was being charged, but I’m sure someone in my family taped it. Even my older brother in law got in the action! Mallory wheeled him around the firehouse at the head of a conga line. Loved it. I’ll post a picture of Chrissie and Bill and, hopefully, the cake topper here. I thought the cake topper was hysterical. Hey, I raised my daughter right!!!
One the cutest ideas they came up with was the candy table. Someone did it at another wedding and since this was Valentine’s Day it fit really well. (will post that pic either here or on next blog…which should be later today) (it is now 1:20 AM here) They had cute plastic bags with hearts on them so that people could go up to the table and get a bagful of candy. Attached to the bag was a cut out heart with “Chrissie and Bill” written on one side and little sayings like the sweetheart candies that come out around Valentine’s Day. Sayings like “Kiss me”, “I love you”, etc. Well that’s it for now. Have to check out You Tube and head for bed. Happy March to all!
The wedding itself went great. I didn’t cry, but I came close a few times. Once was when Vito was walking Chrissie down the aisle. Then I almost lost it when Chrissie and Bill came over and handed me a rose and hugged me. MY BABY WAS MARRIED!!!! *sigh* My great niece in nephew (different great nephew than the one in the broken down truck) were in the ceremony also. Flower girl and ring bearer. My little nephew is not quite 3, but he was wonderful, even though he almost fell asleep on his feet at the beginning of the ceremony. (The wedding took place during his naptime) After the ceremony we all went outside (remember, February and bitter cold) and blew bubbles as they came down the church steps. Then we all hurried, and I do mean hurried, back inside for pictures.
The reception was tons of fun. It really came off great and everyone had a blast. I heard a rumor that a video of Bill’s relatives singing at the wedding is on You Tube, but we haven’t found it yet! My little great nephew picked up my co-workers two little girls and partied down. It was hysterical! I have no video of it because my camera battery was being charged, but I’m sure someone in my family taped it. Even my older brother in law got in the action! Mallory wheeled him around the firehouse at the head of a conga line. Loved it. I’ll post a picture of Chrissie and Bill and, hopefully, the cake topper here. I thought the cake topper was hysterical. Hey, I raised my daughter right!!!
One the cutest ideas they came up with was the candy table. Someone did it at another wedding and since this was Valentine’s Day it fit really well. (will post that pic either here or on next blog…which should be later today) (it is now 1:20 AM here) They had cute plastic bags with hearts on them so that people could go up to the table and get a bagful of candy. Attached to the bag was a cut out heart with “Chrissie and Bill” written on one side and little sayings like the sweetheart candies that come out around Valentine’s Day. Sayings like “Kiss me”, “I love you”, etc. Well that’s it for now. Have to check out You Tube and head for bed. Happy March to all!
Chrissy was such a beautiful bride...and I LOVE that cake topper! *L*
Ooops...."Chrissie", not "Chrissy"...excuse my goof! :-)
Congratulations Mare, A lovely couple but He wid Hae looked a lot better had he bin wearin Ma Sporran.
*Cricket waves to Para Handy, nostalgic for the old days of WBS*
Hi Cricket,
Yessss,, Those were the days. Great to hear from you. I hope you are well.
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